Did you know? Criminal prosecutors have special responsibilities due to their unique and overarching duty to seek justice. This responsibility carries with it specific duties as defined in Rule of Professional Conduct 3.8 to see that the defendant is accorded procedural justice, that guilt is decided upon the basis of sufficient evidence, and that special precautions are taken to prevent and to rectify the conviction of innocent persons.
Check out this short explainer to learn more:
We kick off #NationalConsumerProtectionWeek with a message from #StateBarCA Public Trust Liaison Enrique Zuniga. Consumers: Remember to visit the State Bar website to verify that you are working with a CA licensed attorney.
Did you know? Rule 1.16 of the California Rules of Professional Conduct defines the parameters of how an attorney-client relationship can end and the duties attorneys must adhere to at the conclusion of the relationship, regardless of how the representation ends.