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The State Bar of California has seized the unauthorized law practice of a San Francisco woman who victimized immigrants from Russia and Mongolia, claiming she could help them with their immigration matters.
As interest rates drop to historically low rates amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the State Bar of California continues to work with banks to maintain and maximize the interest income that supports free legal services for vulnerable Californians through the Interest on Lawyers’ Trust Accounts (IOLTA) program. This week, the State Bar announced that eight more financial institutions have agreed to become Leadership Banks, using their financial wherewithal to support access to justice for low-income Californians.
A newly established State Bar working group charged with developing recommendations for the creation of a paraprofessional licensure/certification program to increase access to legal services holds its first meeting on April 21. Meeting Agenda.
At its April 16 virtual meeting, the State Bar Board of Trustees approved several emergency rule changes to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 emergency on licensees, program participants, members of the public, and State Bar staff. The Board also approved the Memoranda of Understanding with the State Bar’s represented staff for 2020–2022.
As of March 17, the State Bar of California announced operational changes in keeping with the evolving preventative public health guidelines for the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. The Los Angeles and San Francisco offices are closed to the public, and with limited exceptions, staff are being required to telecommute.
At its March 12 meeting, the State Bar Board of Trustees engaged in a robust discussion on the final report of the Task Force on Access Through Innovation of Legal Services (ATILS). The Board approved several of the Task Force’s recommendations, including a recommendation to circulate for public comment changes to two Rules of Professional Conduct. The Board deferred until May action on proposals related to the establishment of a working group to explore a regulatory sandbox. The Board also approved other measures furthering the State Bar’s access goal.
As part of National Consumer Protection Week March 1–7, the State Bar of California has published an updated and expanded set of consumer pamphlets in multiple languages and updated the consumer protection section of its website.
This week, the State Bar of California announced the initial class of Leadership Banks.To join the ranks of Leadership Banks, a bank must agree to pay comparable interest rates on its attorney client trust accounts under California’s Interest on Lawyers’ Trust Accounts (IOLTA) program, thereby helping to support access to justice for low-income Californians.
At its January meeting that concluded Friday, the State Bar Board of Trustees set direction on strategic priorities intended to expand access to justice and ensure that the attorney discipline system is fair and effective.