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The State Bar of California will hold its annual Ethics Symposium on April 6. The day-long event provides training on legal ethics and guidelines for practicing attorneys. The training topics will cover a range of topics including addressing sexual harassment and bias, attorney-client privilege, and other professional and ethical obligations of the 190,000 active attorneys licensed in California.
The State Bar of California's Office of Chief Trial Counsel issued the following fraud alert today to warn the public to watch out for and report potential legal fraud in response to the recent reports of immigration raids in the northern part of the state.
The State Bar of California is set to move ahead with a petition to disbar a Southern California lawyer who was charged with bilking tens of thousands of dollars from loan modification clients, and allowing non-attorneys to unlawfully run his practice.
The State Bar of California obtained an order to assume jurisdiction of an unlicensed law practice in the Stockton area that targeted immigrants. The State Bar also reclaimed client files and other records of the office of Yehlen Dorothea Brooks. Brooks defrauded immigrant clients who hired her to represent them in immigration matters, promising to protect them from deportation. Instead, she threatened clients with deportation if they did not continue to pay her. Some clients, including those who paid her based on her assurances that she would protect them, were detained and deported anyway.
The California Supreme Court appointed Michael G. Colantuono and Jason Lee as Chair and Vice-Chair, respectively, of the State Bar of California's Board of Trustees Wednesday, continuing the governance reforms recently enacted under SB 36.
The State Bar of California has filed discipline charges against a San Francisco Bay Area lawyer who bilked clients of $400,000 in damages from PG&E meant to pay for damages in a previous wildfire in Yolo County.
The State Bar of California has submitted its report to the California Supreme Court on a series of studies focused on the California Bar Exam.
The State Bar of California has released the results of the July 2017 California Bar Exam, and announced that 4,236 people (49.6 percent of applicants) passed the General Bar Exam. If those applicants satisfy all other requirements for admission, they will be eligible to be licensed by the State Bar to practice law in California.
The California Supreme Court today issued an order that puts into place an important new ethical rule regarding the special responsibilities of prosecutors to disclose exculpatory evidence.