State Bar Study Shows Recent Progress in Reducing Discipline Disparities Monday, February 24, 2025 Categories: News Releases At its February 20-21 meeting, the Board of Trustees heard a presentation on a new State Bar study showing that racial disparities in attorney discipline outcomes are narrowing, particularly for Black attorneys, following reforms implemented by the State Bar in response to the groundbreaking 2019 Farkas study. The presentation highlighted two primary analyses: an update on the 2019 research shifting the 30-year analysis forward by five years, and a more refined approach focusing solely on changes over the last five years. The results are significant. The study found that, when focusing on the last five years, probation and disbarment gaps between Black and white attorneys have significantly declined, reaching near parity in recent years. Hispanic/Latino attorneys now have lower disbarment rates than White attorneys, though slight disparities remain in probation outcomes. The updated study indicates that key factors previously identified as contributing to discipline disparities—such as complaint volume, prior discipline history, and representation by counsel—continue to shape outcomes, although they explain remaining disparities to a lesser extent than they did in 2019. The presentation also highlighted initial findings from an analysis of discipline disparities by practice sector and firm size. “We have made remarkable progress in reducing discipline disparities in a relatively short time,” said Board Chair Brandon Stallings. “We remain committed to sustaining the progress that has been made and to further exploring firm size and practice sector findings as well as the root causes for the remaining disparities that exist.” As highlighted in a Friday news release, the Board approved a free July 2025 California Bar Exam for applicants who withdraw or fail the February 2025 bar exam. In other action, the Board: Approved its fifth biennial diversity report. The report, required by statute, highlights key initiatives addressing demographic disparities among California attorneys. Heard a report on student performance at California’s three types of law schools, which found that ABA-approved law schools have significantly higher passage rates* (67 percent) than California-Accredited Law Schools (21 percent) or unaccredited schools (9 percent). [*2022 applicants.] Unaccredited law schools are lower cost and enroll more diverse students but have the lowest bar passage rates. The Board discussed the need to create a plan to address the low pass rates, which could include State Bar support and setting minimum pass rates for unaccredited schools. ### Follow the State Bar online LinkedIn, X, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube The State Bar of California's mission is to protect the public and includes the primary functions of licensing, regulation and discipline of attorneys; the advancement of the ethical and competent practice of law; and support of efforts for greater access to, and inclusion in, the legal system. Previous Article Next Article