PLEASE NOTE: Publication for public comment is not, and shall not be construed as, a recommendation or approval by the Board of Trustees of the materials published.
Task Force on Admissions Regulation Reform Phase II Implementing Recommendations
In February 2012, the Board of Trustees appointed the Task Force on Admissions Regulation Reform (“Task Force” or “TFARR”). In Phase I, the Task Force held eight public hearings to examine whether the State Bar should develop a regulatory requirement for a pre-admission competency skills training program, and if so, propose such a program to the Supreme Court. The TFARR Final Phase I Report was adopted by the State Bar Board of Trustees on Oct. 12, 2013.
Phase II of TFARR’s work began in December 2013. A series of eight public hearings were focused on developing rules for the implementation of its Phase I recommendations. On Sept. 29, 2014, TFARR submitted its implementing recommendations to the Executive Committee of the State Bar Board of Trustees. The recommendations cover the following 3 areas:
A detailed description of the activities of the Task Force is provided in the TFARR Phase II Final Report (9/25/14).
The Task Force’s proposed amendments to the Business and Professions Code, California Rules of Court, and State Bar Rules is provided in Attachments A, B and C.
At its Sept. 29, 2014 telephonic meeting, the Board Executive Committee authorized a 35-day public comment period for proposed implementing recommendations submitted by the Task Force. The recommendations include proposed amendments to the Business and Professions Code, the California Rules of Court, and the State Bar Rules.
The agenda item and attachments linked below describe the proposed recommendations in detail.
To be determined, but it has been estimated that the total cost to the State Bar will be approximately $464,000 per year, primarily in the added staff resources that will be needed to monitor compliance.
Board Executive Committee – Sept. 29, 2014:
Board Executive Committee
Nov. 3, 2014
Teri Greenman Executive Offices The State Bar of California 845 S. Figueroa St., 5th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017 Email: