The State Bar seeks public comment regarding proposed amendments to State Bar Rule 3.662 to change the terms of members of the Legal Services Trust Fund Commission from up to two three-year terms to four-year terms with the possibility of reappointment to serve as an officer.
Deadline: April 30, 2021
Comments should be submitted using the online Public Comment Form. [Link removed; this comment process is archived.] The online form allows you to input your comments directly and can also be used to upload your comment letter and/or other attachments.
In September 2018, as part of its review of governance and oversight of State Bar subentities, the Board of Trustees received a report evaluating the number, size, organizational structure, and functions performed by many of the subentities that support the work of the State Bar. The Board of Trustees approved seven global recommendations related to the size, structure, and organization of all subentities. The Board recommended that terms for all subentity volunteers be standardized at four years with the possibility of reappointment to serve as an officer.
Implementation of recommendations regarding the Legal Services Trust Fund Commission (LSTFC) were deferred pending a stakeholder engagement process. Although this process concluded in January 2019, due to other pressing priorities at the State Bar, the proposed rule change regarding the LSTFC term of appointments was not brought to the Board earlier and circulated for public comment.
The term of appointments for members of the LSTFC should reflect the global recommendations adopted by the State Bar’s Board of Trustees, which set terms at four years with the possibility of reappointment to serve as an officer. Since the State Bar annual meeting no longer takes place, staff also recommends removing references to the meeting as the beginning and end dates of the term. These changes will enable better coordination of the appointments process and ensure that subentity volunteers at the State Bar are treated equitably.
Board Executive Committee
April 30, 2021