The State Bar seeks public comment on proposed changes to streamline the procedures for approving future versions of the Schedule of Charges and Deadlines. Length of comment period: 60 days.
Deadline: January 26, 2024, 11:59 p.m.
Comments should be submitted using the online Public Comment Form. The online form allows you to input your comments directly and can also be used to upload your comment letter and/or other attachments.
The State Bar seeks public comment on a proposed rule change to rule 1.22(E) of the Rules of the State Bar so that in the future only changes to the schedule need be brought to the Board and not the entire schedule.
Rule 1.22(E) defines the Schedule of Charges and Deadlines as “the current schedule adopted by the Board of Trustees...” This appears to require that the Board review and adopt the entire Schedule of Charges and Deadlines each year.
Staff recommends changing the rule to permit the Board to review only the annual licensing fee and any changes to the schedule. Staff would then be authorized to update and amend the Schedule of Charges and Deadlines in accordance with the actions of the Board.
Board of Trustees
January 26, 2024, 11:59 p.m.