March 14, 2025
Today, the State Bar sent an email with details of a meeting with the Committee of Bar Examiners (CBE) to discuss the February 2025 bar exam and possible remediation efforts and next steps for the July 2025 bar exam.
March 5, 2025
On March 4, 2025, the State Bar sent an email to all February 2025 bar exam applicants with details and updates on the State Bar's plans to address the challenges applicants experienced.
February 28, 2025
Today the State Bar posted a fact sheet on performance standards for the bar exam detailed in the vendor contract.
February 25, 2025
Applicants, please check your email for an important update after the first day of the February Bar exam. The email is also posted here.
Please be aware that the Exam History section of the Meazure Learning platform does not display submissions after each session; it only displays your submissions after the final part has been submitted and the exam is considered “complete.”
February 24, 2025
To ensure a smooth exam experience, please review the steps needed to access the exam platform on exam day. As a reminder, your confirmation email from Meazure Learning, sent after you booked your session, contains instructions and your unique exam session information. Be sure to review this in advance.
Remote Test Takers
In-Person Test Takers
February 23, 2025
We had been receiving reports of issues in the Meazure Learning platform affecting the ability to type into the answer window, use backspace/delete, and cut and paste. Meazure has informed us that these issues have been resolved. If you continue to experience problems, please contact
Please note that the spellcheck/autocorrect feature within the Meazure platform has been disabled. Spellcheck functionality may have contributed to the recent issues with the platform. In addition, this feature was not functioning properly and appeared to be more distracting than helpful. As a reminder, spelling is not taken into consideration in the grading of responses.
February 21, 2025
Although we know that monetary compensation is not sufficient, today the Board of Trustees authorized a waiver of the application fee for the July 2025 bar exam for applicants who are unsuccessful on the February 2025 bar exam despite their good faith efforts and those who withdrew from the exam. Staff are directed to develop parameters within this general framework. Following the Board’s action, Brandon Stallings, Chair of the Board made the following statement:
"The State Bar Board of Trustees is committed to addressing the myriad issues that have arisen leading up to the February 2025 California Bar Exam. This new exam has not rolled out the way it should have, and we, the Board, apologize along with State Bar leadership and staff. The continued issues with testing locations, scheduling, technical issues, and communication lapses have distracted applicants from their studies and created confusion. These problems are deeply concerning."
Read more in the State Bar's February 21 news release.
We recognize that many of you already booked travel and lodging based on the initial test center availability. To support those affected, we are offering reimbursement for nonrefundable travel and lodging expenses, other nonrefundable transportation expenses, and change fees. To qualify, you must have booked nonrefundable travel and lodging and later switched to a test site added in the Central or Eastern time zones, switched to test sites added in Bakersfield (Kern County Superior Court), Fresno (San Joaquin College of Law), or Los Angeles (State Bar office), or been reassigned to a different test site by Meazure Learning.
To apply for reimbursement, you must fill out the State Bar's form by 11:59 PT, March 30, 2025, and email it to Please note that limited funds are available for this purpose.
Applicants cannot view the Performance Test File and Library in a separate window next to the exam platform on exam day; it is only accessible in a different tab. The Guardian Browser is more secure on exam day; if you were able to view two windows side-by-side during the tutorial exam, this will not be possible on exam day.
This week, Meazure Learning reached out to some remote applicants with the option to move their exam start time due to the peak demand for some time slots. The benefit of changing the start time is connecting with a proctor and beginning the exam faster. If you expressed interest in doing so, Meazure Learning will notify you of your new start time tomorrow.
February 14, 2025
You may schedule your bar exam session until 11:45 pm PST on Friday, February 14. All remote and in-person standard test takers must do so through the Meazure Learning website. In-person test takers with testing accommodations and handwriters are scheduled directly by Meazure Learning. If you need to change to one of the three new sites (the State Bar Office in Los Angeles, the Kern County Superior Court in Bakersfield, or San Joaquin College of Law in Fresno) after that date, please email to check availability.
Whether you sit for the exam remotely or in-person, there will be five-minute breaks between exam sessions. The break countdown timer in the platform will appear either when you submit the section of the exam you are working on, or when the exam section time has elapsed. If you submit your exam before time has elapsed, the remaining time from that exam section will be added to the countdown timer. You have only the time noted on the timer to take your break. Do not close out of the browser or your exam. You will not be permitted to access any other computer functionality during your break time. If you leave the room during the break, you will be required to do a room scan upon your return. Be sure to return to the exam within the allotted time, as you will not be allowed to continue taking the exam after your break has elapsed.
We know there has been some confusion about what items are permitted in the exams. We hope this prohibited and allowable items table will help clarify the issue.
February 13, 2025
We are extremely sorry for how the administration of the February 2025 Bar Exam has been rolling out. We understand that scheduling challenges, poor communication, and inconsistent messaging between the State Bar and Meazure Learning have caused a lot of frustration, confusion, and anxiety.
As a result, we are offering all applicants who wish to withdraw from the February exam a full refund (less bank fees).
To qualify, you need to withdraw before the exam by submitting your request to withdraw through the Applicant Portal.
We know many applicants do not have the option of withdrawing, and we are committed to making the exam the best experience we can.
On Monday afternoon, the State Bar posted an update to the California Bar Exam Multiple-Choice Question (MCQ) Student Guide. This guide provides a content map for all seven testable subjects and includes 25 sample multiple-choice questions with detailed answer explanations. In response to valuable feedback from law students and faculty, we made updates to the Student Guide and made enhancements by adding to the content map the approximate proportion of questions drawn from each subject.
Today, the State Bar also posted a redline copy of the Student Guide to make it easier for students to identify areas where the text has been updated. These changes are consistent with our commitment to not materially changing what is needed to study for the bar exam in light of the transition to a new multiple-choice questions vendor. As such, this guide is designed to complement, not replace, your existing bar preparation resources.
To minimize the number of test takers who need to travel more than 50 miles to a test center, there will be three new sites available for scheduling shortly in the Meazure Learning system for standard test takers not handwriting their exam:
Applicants will be able to self-schedule a session at one of these locations as soon as the system is updated. To book a test site, log in to your Meazure Learning account, navigate to the Exams page, and select the option to book if you have not already done so. If you already have a booked exam session, you can cancel it and rebook at one of the new test centers. If you do not see these locations, please return to the website later, as it may take some time to update.
The self-booking window is open until midnight on February 14. If you need a change into one of those three new sites after that date, please email to check availability.
To be able to post information in a timely manner and in a way that is easier to digest, the February 2025 Bar Exam FAQ will no longer be updated. Going forward, additional notices will be provided on this webpage.
Please return to this page periodically ahead of the exam day to ensure you have received the most up-to-date information. When needed, emails will be sent to all applicants.