Apply to take the exam or request testing accommodations in the Applicant Portal.
Date: June 24, 2025
The June 2025 First-Year Law Students’ Examination will be administered primarily in person at Prometric test centers. Test centers are in these locations:
Out-of-state applicants and other candidates may request remote testing if there are no test sites near their residence. Such applicants can request remote testing when submitting their application. These requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Applicants testing remotely are required to meet the minimum system requirements of the Prometric remote software and take a mandatory practice exam.
All applicants taking the exam in-person at a Prometric test center must bring a valid government-issued photo identification with them to the test center. Additionally, the following items are subject to inspection and will need to be stored in one of the onsite lockers:
All applicants taking the exam remotely must bring a valid government-issued photo identification with them to the exam room. Additionally, the following items are permitted in the exam room without prior approval, but are subject to inspection:
Arrival and check-in
During the check-in process, all Prometric test center employees will:
Before you enter the testing room, you will be required to:
Here is what you can expect during the exam:
End of test
Once the exam is complete:
Please note that these procedures will be subject to change as necessary.
Prometric provides a secure testing remote assessment platform, ProProctor™. Prometric will supply an interface that permits applicants to schedule an appointment, confirm computer compatibility, and launch the exam at the appointed time.
Once the applicant has scheduled the exam appointment with Prometric, the applicant will need to download and install the ProProctor™ application on their computer. Applicants will then be able to complete a system readiness check to ensure that the applicant’s computer is ready to run the application on exam day.
On exam day, when applicants launch the ProProctor™ application, they will complete a check-in process before being transferred to a Prometric Readiness Agent. During the two-way video conversation with the Readiness Agent, they will confirm the applicant’s identity and require the applicant to perform a security check.
The applicant will then be transferred to a proctor and will proceed to take the exam. The proctor will monitor the applicant live throughout the testing process using the computer’s webcam and microphone. Prometric staff provides real-time applicant support and protects the integrity of the testing event using automated tools built into the software.
Application filings
Testing accommodations request filing deadline*
Address change deadline
Deadline to request to test remotely
Final eligibility deadline
Proof of law study (first-time applicants for the exam)
* Applicants must submit their requests through the Applicant Portal. Requests must be complete, with all questions answered, and any supporting documentation included. Applications are considered submitted when they are complete and corresponding payment has been processed. Application in ‘verified’ or ‘drafted’ status are not considered complete and will not be reviewed.
Withdrawal refund policy
Requests to withdraw from the June 2025 First-Year Law Students’ Exam must be received by the State Bar’s Office of Admissions on or before the dates listed below in order to qualify for a refund. See the Withdrawal Refund Policy.
Final deadline to withdraw from exam with no refund
Exam preparation and exam day
First date admittance tickets available
All applicants must pay the required fees:
*Request received subsequent to filing application
The transfer of fees from one exam to another is prohibited.
Refunds requested due to hospitalization, death, or call to active duty will be considered in accordance with the Committee of Bar Examiners’ refund policy. The refund form and copies of the policy are available on the Refund of Fees Policy webpage. Withdrawal requests can be submitted by logging into the Applicant Portal.
Applicants whose physical or email address changes after filing their applications are encouraged to notify the Office of Admissions of a change of address as soon as possible to avoid missing any communications from the State Bar. Applicants should update their admissions file with the new address by accessing their account through the Applicant Portal.
The 100 multiple-choice questions measure the content areas of Contracts, Criminal Law, and Torts. Starting with the October 2024 exam, 25 of the 100 questions administered on the exam are new multiple-choice items being operationally pretested. The pretested items include items from each content area. With an operational pretest, all 100 items administered on the exam will be scored. Following administration, the new exam questions are analyzed to determine if they result in appropriate statistics to ensure fairness for applicants. Any new questions that do not meet evaluation criteria will be removed from scoring so that they do not harm an applicant’s score. Please visit the the June 2025 First-Year Law Students' Exam Grading and Scope page for more information.
Results from the June 2025 First-Year Law Students’ Exam are scheduled to be released through the Applicant Portal to applicants on August 8, 2025.
Exam result letters for applicants who completed the First-Year Law Students' Exam will be available on their Applicant Portal for four weeks following the release of results.