These guidelines reflect the methodology typically utilized by the State Bar in completing an analysis of issues relevant to the determination of whether an applicant possesses the requisite moral character for licensure to practice law. The guidelines do not contain an exhaustive list of issues and examples relevant to a moral character determination. Applicants are unique and will be considered on their individual merits. Accordingly, the moral character determination guidelines neither bind nor limit the discretion of the decision-makers and are for informational purposes only. The severity of an act of misconduct, length of time since the act, and the frequency with which the act occurred will be taken into consideration.
The guidelines are organized by values referred to in the definition of good moral character. (Admissions Rules, Rule 4.40.) Each guideline contains issues related to the relevant moral character value that may arise during the investigation of a moral character application, and the possible outcomes.Moral Character Determination Guidelines
Guidelines by Value: