Effective June 15, the State Bar’s offices in San Francisco and Los Angeles resumed full operations. Here is how the Client Security Fund is conducting essential business during this period. Please see this page for other State Bar COVID-19 Updates.
Applications for Reimbursement and Correspondence
The Client Security Fund will continue to accept by mail (U.S. and other) applications for reimbursement as well as correspondence and other materials regarding pending applications. Correspondence may also be submitted by email to ClientSecurityFund@calbar.ca.gov.
Due to the COVID-19, written acknowledgement from the Client Security Fund that an application has been received and any necessary response to correspondence may be delayed. We appreciate your understanding and patience.
Tentative Decisions Served to Applicants and Respondents
If you were served with a Tentative Decision from the Client Security Fund and wish to object to it, your written objection must be received by the Client Security Fund within 30 days of the date the Tentative Decision was served to you by mail. (Client Security Fund rules, Rule 3.443(B).) The date of service may be found on the proof of service included with the Tentative Decision.
The Client Security Fund will continue to accept timely objections by mail. Alternatively, timely objections may be submitted by email to ClientSecurityFund@calbar.ca.gov. Since objections to Tentative Decisions must be signed under penalty of perjury, you must submit by mail within a reasonable period of time a copy of your objection signed under penalty of perjury. If you need to submit additional materials to support any objection, you may request by mail or email a reasonable amount of time to submit such additional materials.
Notices of Intention to Pay Served to Respondents
If you were served with a Notice of Intention to Pay from the Client Security Fund and wish to object to it, your written objection must be received by the Client Security Fund within 30 days of the date the Notice of Intention to Pay was served to you by mail. (Client Security Fund rules, Rule 3.442(D).)
The Client Security Fund will continue to accept timely objections by mail. Alternatively, timely objections may be submitted by email to ClientSecurityFund@calbar.ca.gov. If you need to submit additional materials to support any objection, you may request by mail or email a reasonable amount of time to submit such additional materials.
Acceptance of timely electronic submissions of objections to Tentative Decisions and Notices of Intention to Pay will remain in place until further notice.