This webpage provides general information about the standard exam environment for State Bar-administered tests. Please refer to the bulletin for the specific exam you intend to take for the most up-to-date information.
The California Bar Exam (CBX) is a timed exam administered in a proctored setting. The written session is comprised of five one-hour essay questions and one 90-minute performance test question. Applicants use their personal laptop to type their answers, or they may handwrite their answers. The multiple-choice session is comprised of 200 questions. Applicants may select their answers on the computer if testing on a laptop, or use a scantron if handwriting their responses.
Applicants at standard test sites are assigned seating with two people per six-foot table in conference rooms. Hard copy materials are provided to applicants testing in person for the written session. Applicants are not allowed to bring food into the exam room; however, a lunch break may be given during the written session and the multiple-choice session. Applicants may bring water in a clear, plastic container no larger than one liter, without labels or writing, and with a lid. Applicants testing in-person are allowed to use the restroom and to stand and stretch during the exam. The exam is administered in a quiet environment, and applicants are allowed to bring foam earplugs.
For applicants with testing accommodations that are designed to limit auditory and visual interruptions during the exam, the State Bar will offer three modified testing environments outside the standard testing environment:
The First-Year Law Students’ Exam is a timed exam administered in a proctored setting. The exam is comprised of 100 multiple-choice questions completed over a three-hour period, with applicants selecting their answers on the computer. A 20-minute break is given between sessions.
Most applicants will test at a Prometric test center; however, out-of-state applicants, applicants with inadequate testing space at home, or applicants without Prometric test sites available near their residence may request to test remotely when submitting their exam application. Applicants are not allowed to have food or beverages in the exam room other than one bottle of water in a clear, plastic container no larger than 1 liter, without labels or writing, and with a lid. The exam is administered in a quiet environment, and applicants are allowed to bring foam earplugs.
Sample schedules for the bar exam are provided below for your reference. Please note: testing accommodations schedules for subsequent exam administrations are subject to change. Exam question order may differ from the sample schedules below.
Time and one-sixth or time and one-quarter
Time and one-half
Double time