Certain accommodations approved for a high-stakes exam will be approved by the State Bar without the need for any further documentation. A high-stakes exam refers to a bar exam in another U.S. jurisdiction, CBX, FYLSX, MPRE, LSAT, GRE, GMAT, MCAT, DAT, SAT I, SAT II, ACT, or GED.
Applicants requesting the same or lesser accommodations as previously approved for another high-stakes exam will go through a streamlined request process if all of the following are satisfied:
The State Bar automatically grants a standard set of accommodations for those with certain health-related conditions, including some temporary conditions, for which the individual is unlikely to have a prior recent history of accommodations, and for which accommodation requests tend to be fairly standard. These conditions include:
Any applicant with these health-related conditions will receive the standard set of accommodations upon submission of a note from a qualified professional confirming that the condition will exist at the time of the exam.
Standard Accommodations
Extra break periods (15 minutes) between each written question, food/drink, pillows or extra cushions
Lactation/having to express milk
Extra break periods (15 minutes) between each written question, private/separate space, breast pump and related equipment
Extra 30 minutes, food/drink, glucose monitor/diabetic related equipment
If you require different or greater accommodations, you must submit the Qualified Professional Certification Form, any supplemental documentation needed to determine your disability-related functional limitations, your specific access needs, and how those needs relate to the accommodations requested. You must provide adequate documentation and rationale to support the requested accommodations and their relationship to the effects of your disability.
Applicants granted accommodations on a temporary basis must submit a new testing accommodations request form with supporting documentation each exam cycle.
Applicants with temporary medical conditions, such as a broken leg, may file requests for temporary accommodations. Applicants granted accommodations on a temporary basis must submit a new testing accommodations request form with supporting documentation each exam cycle.
You must include a personal narrative providing a reasonable explanation of how your temporary medical condition functional limitation(s) impact your ability to access a State Bar-administered exam under standard test conditions. Attach adequate documentation and rationale to support the requested accommodations and their relationship to the effects of your disability.
An applicant who becomes disabled after the final exam application filing deadline may submit a Request for Testing Accommodations form asking that it be considered as an emergency request. An emergency request does not apply to disabilities that existed before the final deadline for an examination application, whether or not they were diagnosed or a visit to a treating professional could be arranged.
You must include a personal narrative requesting acceptance of the emergency request with an explanation of why the request could not have been filed by the final filing deadline. Attach documentation explaining the nature, date, and circumstances of the emergency request. Being unable to get an appointment with your qualified professional before the final filing deadline is not grounds for consideration as an emergency request.
You must submit the request and supporting documentation at least 10 days before the first day of the examination through the Applicant Portal. Emergency requests received later than this deadline will not be processed.
Applicants with permanent disabilities who are unsuccessful on an exam and wish to have the same accommodations extended to another administration of the exam must select the “Same Accommodations” checkbox during the exam application process. It is not necessary to resubmit supporting documentation if you are requesting the same accommodations that were previously granted.
You are ineligible to request the same accommodations if you were previously granted accommodations on a temporary basis, and you must submit a new testing accommodations request form with supporting documentation.